Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ahh, the dreaded introductory blog post...

Being a freelancer can be a little scary. It treads a thin line indeed between employment and lapsing into shiftless pajamaland. It IS cool, but yesterday, my first real day of freelancing, proved to be a little anxiety-tinged. How do you plan your day as a freelancer? Does it change every day of the week? Do you keep yourself to a 9-5, or just go when you feel like going and stop thus? It's trickier stuff than I imagined, but I have to say it beats the grind in many ways. Although my pocketbook grows thin in this economic twilight, I'm very glad to be not doing my old line of work. Very, very glad.

Now, the question arises, how do I keep creativity and motivation to write when all I'm doing is in fact writing? When I'm doing other things, it's all I dream of, but this process rests upon some flimsy premises...I'm not exactly a Type A. Can us Type B, C, and G's make it as freelancers too?

I just wrote in for an indexing assignment, which I think would be really, really great. As soon as I sent the email I felt the misgivings flooding in though. I'm not a researcher, but I have handled some pretty erudite materials in my time...and in research papers, the index was my best friend. But instead, I chose to talk about how I was a writer, which in retrospect was sort of silly. Oh well.

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